Unit page, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress
marginal tentorial branch (pair) |
Identification |
Official Latin term | ramus tentorius marginalis partis cavernosae arteriae carotis internae (par) |
Official term | marginal tentorial branch of cavernous part of internal carotid artery (pair) |
Unit identifier | TAH:U3906 |
Unit type | pair |
Materiality | material |
Navigation |
Partonomy |
TAH:E10200 |
human body
TAH:U3568 | |
TAH:U10381 | |
TAH:U3947 | |
TAH:U8891 | |
TAH:U3898 | |
TAH:U3904 | |
TAH:U8970 | |
TAH:U3906 | marginal tentorial branch (pair) |
Taxonomy |
FMA:70534 | marginal tentorial branch |
Date: 28.06.2023 |